The Top 16 Countries To Vacation Like The Rich When You Are Broke As Hell

Jay Kobayashi
10 min readFeb 5, 2023

Trying to plan a fun vacation is arguably one of the most stressful things in the world, and it is even more so when you are on a budget. However, there is a solution to have an unimaginable experience without putting yourself into debt and that is to travel to another country!

Now before you get all huffy and puffy, there are many countries around the world that offer luxurious experiences at affordable prices due to the conversion rate from the Dollar to a country’s local currency. While a dollar can barely get you a can of soda, in the right country that dollar can get you a full meal and ride back to your hotel. From tropical paradises to cultural hotspots, here are 16 of the best countries to vacation like a rich person, even if you don’t make a lot of money!

*Keep in mind, these conversion rates are estimated to the nearest value and are adjusted to give you an accurate idea of how much extra money you can receive by converting the dollar to another currency.

16. South Korea- $1 =1,224.00 Won ($1.22)

The Land of the Morning Calm and Asia’s third-largest economy, South Korea is a fun country to travel to and to explore for its mouth watering food and its pop culture centric scenes and nightlife.



Jay Kobayashi

A starving writer from Los Angeles who aspires to be plagiarized one day.