A No Bull S**T Guide To Earn Passive Income Through Stocks

Jay Kobayashi
7 min readJan 24, 2021

The rise of commission free stock trading apps like Robinhood and Webull has made millions of people interested in investing. A complicated means to earn money has been simplified to the point where anyone can do it. If you are reading this, then you are likely someone who is interested in investing and has gotten tired of the endless plethora of clickbait articles and videos on how to earn passive income in a matter of minutes. This guide will simply tell you how to establish the core ideals of passive income through the use of dividends.

1. Familiarize Yourself With The Stock Market

If you are investing for the first time, it is crucial that you understand how the stock market works and learn how objective it is. It is also important to learn the investor’s lingo and what kind of info you should look at. This does not mean you need to start taking classes on how to become a stock broker. For this particular investing strategy, you simply need to pay attention to the following:

  • The company’s stock price, dividend rate, and history
  • What kind of company you are investing in? What do they do? What kind of industry are they in?
  • Do these companies get affected by political policy or by global events? (i.e Like how…



Jay Kobayashi
Jay Kobayashi

Written by Jay Kobayashi

A starving writer from Los Angeles who aspires to be plagiarized one day.

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